- aryn_sdk.partition.convert_image_element(elem: dict, format: str = 'PIL', b64encode: bool = False) Image | bytes | str | None [source]#
Convert an image element to a more useable format. If no format is specified, create a PIL Image object. If a format is specified, output the bytes of the image in that format. If b64encode is set to True, base64-encode the bytes and return them as a string.
- Parameters:
elem -- an image element from the 'elements' field of a
responseformat -- an optional format to output bytes of. Default is PIL
b64encode -- base64-encode the output bytes. Format must be set to use this
from aryn_sdk.partition import partition_file, convert_image with open("my-favorite-pdf.pdf", "rb") as f: data = partition_file( f, extract_images=True ) image_elts = [e for e in data['elements'] if e['type'] == 'Image'] pil_img = convert_image(image_elts[0]) jpg_bytes = convert_image(image_elts[1], format='JPEG') png_str = convert_image(image_elts[2], format="PNG", b64encode=True)
- aryn_sdk.partition.draw_with_boxes(pdf_file: PathLike | BinaryIO | str, partitioning_data: dict, draw_table_cells: bool = False) list[Image] [source]#
Create a list of images from the provided pdf, one for each page, with bounding boxes detected by the partitioner drawn on.
- Parameters:
pdf_file -- an open file or path to a pdf file upon which to draw
partitioning_data -- the output from
draw_table_cells -- whether to draw individually detected cells of tables. default: False
- Returns:
a list of images of pages of the pdf, each with bounding boxes drawn on
from aryn_sdk.partition import partition_file, draw_with_boxes with open("my-favorite-pdf.pdf", "rb") as f: data = partition_file( f, aryn_api_key="MY-ARYN-TOKEN", use_ocr=True, extract_table_structure=True, extract_images=True ) pages = draw_with_boxes("my-favorite-pdf.pdf", data, draw_table_cells=True)
- aryn_sdk.partition.partition_file(file: BinaryIO | str | PathLike, aryn_api_key: str | None = None, aryn_config: ArynConfig | None = None, threshold: float | Literal['auto'] | None = None, use_ocr: bool = False, ocr_images: bool = False, extract_table_structure: bool = False, extract_images: bool = False, selected_pages: list[list[int] | int] | None = None, aps_url: str = '', ssl_verify: bool = True, output_format: str | None = None) dict [source]#
Sends file to the Aryn Partitioning Service and returns a dict of its document structure and text
- Parameters:
file -- pdf file to partition
aryn_api_key -- aryn api key, provided as a string
aryn_config -- ArynConfig object, used for finding an api key. If aryn_api_key is set it will override this. default: The default ArynConfig looks in the env var ARYN_API_KEY and the file ~/.aryn/config.yaml
threshold -- value in to specify the cutoff for detecting bounding boxes. Must be set to "auto" or a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0. default: None (APS will choose)
use_ocr -- extract text using an OCR model instead of extracting embedded text in PDF. default: False
ocr_images -- attempt to use OCR to generate a text representation of detected images. default: False
extract_table_structure -- extract tables and their structural content. default: False
extract_images -- extract image contents. default: False
selected_pages -- list of individual pages (1-indexed) from the pdf to partition default: None
aps_url -- url of the Aryn Partitioning Service endpoint. default: ""
ssl_verify -- verify ssl certificates. In databricks, set this to False to fix ssl imcompatibilities.
output_format -- controls output representation; can be set to markdown. default: None (JSON elements)
- Returns:
A dictionary containing "status" and "elements". If output_format is markdown, dictionary of "status" and "markdown".
from aryn_sdk.partition import partition_file with open("my-favorite-pdf.pdf", "rb") as f: data = partition_file( f, aryn_api_key="MY-ARYN-TOKEN", use_ocr=True, extract_table_structure=True, extract_images=True ) elements = data['elements']
- aryn_sdk.partition.table_elem_to_dataframe(elem: dict) DataFrame | None [source]#
Create a pandas DataFrame representing the tabular data inside the provided table element. If the element is not of type 'table' or doesn't contain any table data, return None instead.
- Parameters:
elem -- An element from the 'elements' field of a
from aryn_sdk.partition import partition_file, table_elem_to_dataframe with open("partition-me.pdf", "rb") as f: data = partition_file( f, use_ocr=True, extract_table_structure=True, extract_images=True ) # Find the first table and convert it to a dataframe df = None for element in data['elements']: if element['type'] == 'table': df = table_elem_to_dataframe(element) break
- aryn_sdk.partition.tables_to_pandas(data: dict) list[tuple[dict, DataFrame | None]] [source]#
For every table element in the provided partitioning response, create a pandas DataFrame representing the tabular data. Return a list containing all the elements, with tables paired with their corresponding DataFrames.
- Parameters:
data -- a response from
from aryn_sdk.partition import partition_file, tables_to_pandas with open("my-favorite-pdf.pdf", "rb") as f: data = partition_file( f, aryn_api_key="MY-ARYN-TOKEN", use_ocr=True, extract_table_structure=True, extract_images=True ) elts_and_dataframes = tables_to_pandas(data)