
Neo4j is a full-featured, open-source, native graph database and analytics engine.

Configuration for Neo4j

Please see Neo4j's installation page for more in-depth information on installing, configuring, and running Neo4j.

We recommend running Neo4j through docker run. The following APOC environment variables are required for sycamore to write to Neo4j. Please ensure you use a valid temporary path, and a valid password (must be above 8 characters).

docker run -d \
-p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 \
--name neo4j \
--env NEO4J_apoc_export_file_enabled=true \
--env NEO4J_apoc_import_file_enabled=true \
--env NEO4J_PLUGINS=\[\"apoc\"\] \
--volume {REPLACE-WITH-TEMP-PATH}:/import \

Note: You may have to run sudo chmod -R 777 {REPLACE-WITH-TEMP-PATH} to give read and write access to neo4j's import directory. Note: Make sure you set your password to be longer than 8 characters or neo4j will kill the docker container!

Writing to Neo4j

To write a DocSet to a Neo4j instance from Sycamore, use the docset.write.neo4j(...) function. The Neo4j writer takes the following arguments:

  • uri: Connection endpoint for the neo4j instance. Note that this must be paired with the necessary client arguments below

  • auth: Authentication arguments to be specified. See more information here.

  • import_dir: The import directory that neo4j uses. You can specify where to mount this volume when you launch your neo4j docker container.

  • database: (Optional, default=neo4j) Database to write to in Neo4j. By default in the neo4j community addition, new databases cannot be instantiated so you must use "neo4j". If using enterprise edition, ensure the database exists.

  • use_auradb: (Optional, default=False) Set to true if you are using neo4j's serverless implementation called AuraDB.

  • s3_session: (Optional, default=None) An AWS S3 Session. This is used as a proxy to securly upload your files into AuraDB. Defaults to None. This field is required if use_auradb is set to true.

To use the Neo4j Writer, you can follow the example below. For the follow graph transformations, follow the guidelines.

  1. You must run extract_document_structure() before extract_graph_entities() and extract_graph_relationships()

  2. You must run resolve_graph_entities() after extract_graph_entities and extract_graph_relationships

  3. You must run extract_graph_relationships() after on entities extracted from extract_graph_entities()

  4. You may call extract_graph_entities() and extract_graph_relationships() as many times where it is valid to call them.

ds = (,

URI = "neo4j+s://<AURADB_INSTANCE_ID>"
AUTH = ("neo4j", "sample_password")
DATABASE = "neo4j
IMPORT_DIR = "/tmp/neo4j" # Ensure this directory exists
S3_SESSION = boto3.session.Session() # Ensure you pass in your AWS credentials or have run aws configure
