Extract SchemaΒΆ
The Extract Schema Transform allows you to extract a semantically meaningful schema for your documents. These schemas can then by populated using the Extract Properties transform.
The first step is to use Extract Schema to associate each document with a schema. Here, a Schema is a set of metadata from your document. For example, given a credit card agreement PDF, we extract the following:
credit_docs = credit_docs.extract_batch_schema(
schema_extractor=OpenAISchemaExtractor("CreditCardContract", llm=openai, num_of_elements=50)
Which will produce JSON-schema formatted metadata, stored in each Document's properties["_schema"]
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"creditCardName": {
"type": "string"
"aprPurchases": {
"type": "string"
"annualFee": {
"type": "string"
Once a schema is extracted, we can populate the values using the Extract Properties transform.
credit_docs.extract_properties(property_extractor=OpenAIPropertyExtractor(llm=openai, num_of_elements=50))
The values will be extracted from the document:
{"creditCardName": "Dollar Bank Secured Credit Card - Variable Rate Line of Credit Agreement",
"aprPurchases": "12.24%",
"annualFee": "$15.00"},