#!/usr/bin/env python
# This is a simple CLI for Sycamore Query that lets you run queries against an index,
# and see the generated query plan and result.
# Example:
# poetry run sycamore/query/client.py --index const_ntsb \
# "How many incidents were there in Washington in 2023?"
# Use --help for more options.
import argparse
import logging
import os
import uuid
from typing import List, Optional, Union
import structlog
import yaml
from rich.console import Console
import sycamore
from sycamore import Context, ExecMode
from sycamore.context import OperationTypes
from sycamore.llms import LLM, get_llm, MODELS
from sycamore.llms.openai import OpenAI, OpenAIModels
from sycamore.query.execution.sycamore_executor import SycamoreExecutor
from sycamore.query.logical_plan import LogicalPlan
from sycamore.query.planner import LlmPlanner, PlannerExample
from sycamore.query.result import SycamoreQueryResult
from sycamore.query.schema import OpenSearchSchema, OpenSearchSchemaFetcher
from sycamore.query.strategy import DefaultQueryPlanStrategy, QueryPlanStrategy
from sycamore.transforms.embed import SentenceTransformerEmbedder
from sycamore.transforms.query import OpenSearchQueryExecutor
from sycamore.transforms.similarity import HuggingFaceTransformersSimilarityScorer
from sycamore.utils.cache import cache_from_path
from sycamore.utils.import_utils import requires_modules
console = Console()
DEFAULT_OS_CONFIG = {"search_pipeline": "hybrid_pipeline"}
"hosts": [{"host": os.getenv("OPENSEARCH_HOST", "localhost"), "port": os.getenv("OPENSEARCH_PORT", 9200)}],
"http_compress": True,
"http_auth": ("admin", OS_ADMIN_PASSWORD),
"use_ssl": True,
"verify_certs": False,
"ssl_assert_hostname": False,
"ssl_show_warn": False,
"timeout": 120,
class SycamoreQueryClient:
"""A client for the Sycamore Query engine.
context (optional): a configured Sycamore Context. A fresh one is created if not provided.
llm_cache_dir (optional): Directory to use for LLM result caching.
os_config (optional): OpenSearch configuration. Defaults to DEFAULT_OS_CONFIG.
os_client_args (optional): OpenSearch client arguments. Defaults to DEFAULT_OS_CLIENT_ARGS.
cache_dir (optional): Directory to use for caching intermediate query results.
llm (optional): LLM implementation to use for planning and execution.
query_plan_strategy (optional): Strategy to use for planning, can be used to balance cost vs speed.
If you override the context, you cannot override the llm_cache_dir, os_client_args, or llm; you need
to pass those in via the context paramaters, i.e. sycamore.init(params={...})
To override os_client_args, set params["opensearch"]["os_client_args"]. You are likely to also need
params["opensearch"]["text_embedder"] = SycamoreQueryClient.default_text_embedder() or another
embedder of your choice.
To override the LLM or cache path, you need to override the llm, for example:
from sycamore.utils.cache import cache_from_path
params["default"]["llm"] = OpenAI(OpenAIModels.GPT_40.value, cache=cache_from_path("/example/path"))
@requires_modules("opensearchpy", extra="opensearch")
def __init__(
context: Optional[Context] = None,
llm_cache_dir: Optional[str] = None,
os_config: dict = DEFAULT_OS_CONFIG,
os_client_args: Optional[dict] = None,
cache_dir: Optional[str] = None,
sycamore_exec_mode: ExecMode = ExecMode.RAY,
llm: Optional[Union[LLM, str]] = None,
query_plan_strategy: Optional[QueryPlanStrategy] = None,
from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
self.llm_cache_dir = llm_cache_dir
self.os_config = os_config
self.cache_dir = cache_dir
self.sycamore_exec_mode = sycamore_exec_mode
self.query_plan_strategy = query_plan_strategy
# TODO: remove these assertions and simplify the code to get all customization via the
# context.
if context and os_client_args:
raise AssertionError("Setting os_client_args requires context==None. See Notes in class documentation.")
if context and llm_cache_dir:
raise AssertionError("Setting llm_cache_dir requires context==None. See Notes in class documentation.")
if context and llm:
raise AssertionError("Setting llm requires context==None. See Notes in class documentation.")
os_client_args = os_client_args or DEFAULT_OS_CLIENT_ARGS
self.context = context or self._get_default_context(llm_cache_dir, os_client_args, sycamore_exec_mode, llm)
assert self.context.params, "Could not find required params in Context"
self.os_client_args = self.context.params.get("opensearch", {}).get("os_client_args", os_client_args)
self._os_client = OpenSearch(**self.os_client_args)
self._os_query_executor = OpenSearchQueryExecutor(self.os_client_args)
def get_opensearch_indices(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get the schema for the provided OpenSearch index."""
indices = list([str(k) for k in self._os_client.indices.get_alias().keys()])
return indices
@requires_modules("opensearchpy.client.indices", extra="opensearch")
def get_opensearch_schema(self, index: str) -> OpenSearchSchema:
"""Get the schema for the provided OpenSearch index.
To debug:
from opensearchpy.client.indices import IndicesClient
schema_provider = OpenSearchSchemaFetcher(IndicesClient(self._os_client), index, self._os_query_executor)
return schema_provider.get_schema()
def generate_plan(
query: str,
index: str,
schema: OpenSearchSchema,
examples: Optional[List[PlannerExample]] = None,
natural_language_response: bool = False,
) -> LogicalPlan:
"""Generate a logical query plan for the given query, index, and schema.
query: The query to generate a plan for.
index: The index to query against.
schema: The schema for the index.
examples: Optional examples to use for planning.
natural_language_response: Whether to generate a natural language response. If False,
raw data will be returned.
llm_client = self.context.params.get("default", {}).get("llm")
if not llm_client:
llm_client = OpenAI(OpenAIModels.GPT_4O.value, cache=cache_from_path(self.llm_cache_dir))
planner = LlmPlanner(
strategy=self.query_plan_strategy or DefaultQueryPlanStrategy(),
plan = planner.plan(query)
return plan
def run_plan(self, plan: LogicalPlan, dry_run=False, codegen_mode=False) -> SycamoreQueryResult:
"""Run the given logical query plan and return a tuple of the query ID and result."""
assert self.context is not None, "Running a plan requires a configured Context"
executor = SycamoreExecutor(
query_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
return executor.execute(plan, query_id)
def query(
query: str,
index: str,
dry_run: bool = False,
codegen_mode: bool = False,
) -> SycamoreQueryResult:
"""Run a query against the given index."""
schema = self.get_opensearch_schema(index)
plan = self.generate_plan(query, index, schema)
return self.run_plan(plan, dry_run=dry_run, codegen_mode=codegen_mode)
def dump_traces(self, result: SycamoreQueryResult, limit: int = 5):
if not result.execution:
console.print("[red]No traces found.")
for node_id in sorted(result.execution.keys()):
trace_dir = result.execution[node_id].trace_dir
console.rule(f"Trace for node {node_id}")
console.print(f"Trace directory: {trace_dir}")
cached_results = self.context.read.materialize(trace_dir)
total_results = cached_results.count()
if limit > total_results:
limit = total_results
console.print(f"[yellow]Showing {limit} out of {total_results} results.")
cached_results.show(limit=limit, show_elements=False)
except Exception as e:
console.print(f"[red]Error reading trace: {e}")
def default_text_embedder():
return SentenceTransformerEmbedder(batch_size=100, model_name="sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
def _get_default_context(
llm_cache_dir: Optional[str],
os_client_args: Optional[dict],
sycamore_exec_mode: ExecMode,
llm: Optional[Union[str, LLM]],
) -> Context:
llm_instance: Optional[LLM] = None
if llm is not None:
if isinstance(llm, str):
llm_instance = get_llm(llm)(cache=cache_from_path(llm_cache_dir))
elif isinstance(llm, LLM):
llm_instance = llm
raise ValueError(f"Invalid LLM type: {type(llm)}")
context_params = {
"default": {"llm": llm_instance or OpenAI(OpenAIModels.GPT_4O.value, cache=cache_from_path(llm_cache_dir))},
"opensearch": {
"os_client_args": os_client_args,
"text_embedder": SycamoreQueryClient.default_text_embedder(),
"llm": llm_instance or OpenAI(OpenAIModels.GPT_4O_MINI.value, cache=cache_from_path(llm_cache_dir))
"llm": llm_instance or OpenAI(OpenAIModels.GPT_4O_MINI.value, cache=cache_from_path(llm_cache_dir))
OperationTypes.TEXT_SIMILARITY: {"similarity_scorer": HuggingFaceTransformersSimilarityScorer()},
return sycamore.init(params=context_params, exec_mode=sycamore_exec_mode)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run a Sycamore query against an index.")
parser.add_argument("query", type=str, help="Query to run against the index.", nargs="?", default=None)
parser.add_argument("--show-indices", action="store_true", help="Show all indices")
parser.add_argument("--index", type=str, help="Index name")
parser.add_argument("--schema-file", type=str, help="Schema file")
parser.add_argument("--llm-cache-dir", type=str, help="Directory to write LLM cache.", default=None)
"--raw-data-response", action="store_true", help="Return raw data instead of natural language response."
parser.add_argument("--show-schema", action="store_true", help="Show schema extracted from index.")
parser.add_argument("--show-prompt", action="store_true", help="Show planner LLM prompt.")
parser.add_argument("--show-plan", action="store_true", help="Show generated query plan.")
parser.add_argument("--show-code", action="store_true", help="Show generated Python code.")
parser.add_argument("--plan-only", action="store_true", help="Only generate and show query plan.")
parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Generate and show query plan and execution code")
parser.add_argument("--codegen-mode", action="store_true", help="Execute through codegen")
parser.add_argument("--cache-dir", help="Directory to use for query execution cache.")
parser.add_argument("--dump-traces", action="store_true", help="Dump traces from the execution.")
parser.add_argument("--limit", type=int, help="Limit number of results shown", default=None)
parser.add_argument("--log-level", type=str, help="Log level", default="WARN")
parser.add_argument("--llm", type=str, help="LLM model name", choices=MODELS.keys())
"--exec-mode", type=str, choices=["ray", "local"], default="ray", help="Configure Sycamore execution mode."
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.cache_dir:
# Make cache_dir absolute.
args.cache_dir = os.path.abspath(args.cache_dir)
client = SycamoreQueryClient(
sycamore_exec_mode=ExecMode.RAY if args.exec_mode == "ray" else ExecMode.LOCAL,
# Show indices and exit.
if args.show_indices:
for index in client.get_opensearch_indices():
# either index or index-file is required
if not args.index and not args.schema_file:
parser.error("Either index or schema-file is required")
# query is required
if not args.query:
parser.error("Query is required")
# get schema (schema_file overrides index)
# index is read from file
if args.schema_file:
with open(args.schema_file, "r") as file:
schema = yaml.safe_load(file)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
print(f"Schema file {args.schema_file} not found: {e}")
except PermissionError as e:
print(f"Permission error when reading schema file {args.schema_file}: {e}")
except (SyntaxError, ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as e:
print(f"Error while parsing schema file: {args.schema_file} {e}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An unexpected error occurred while reading schema file {args.schema_file}: {e}")
# index is read from OpenSearch
schema = client.get_opensearch_schema(args.index)
if args.show_schema:
console.rule("Using schema")
plan = client.generate_plan(args.query, args.index, schema, natural_language_response=not args.raw_data_response)
if args.show_plan or args.plan_only:
console.rule("Generated query plan")
console.print(plan.model_dump(exclude=["llm_plan", "llm_prompt"]))
if args.show_prompt:
if args.plan_only:
result = client.run_plan(plan, args.dry_run, args.codegen_mode)
if args.dry_run or (args.codegen_mode and args.show_code):
console.rule("Generated code")
if not args.dry_run:
console.rule("Query result")
if args.dump_traces:
client.dump_traces(result, limit=args.limit)
if __name__ == "__main__":