from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
import re
from typing import Any, List, Optional
import dateparser
from sycamore.plan_nodes import Node
from import Document
from import Map
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Standardizer(ABC):
An abstract base class for implementing standardizers, which are responsible for
transforming specific fields within a document according to certain rules.
def fixer(self, text: str) -> Any:
Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses to define how the relevant values
should be standardized.
text (str): The text or date string to be standardized.
A standardized value.
def standardize(self, doc: Document, key_path: List[str]) -> Document:
Abstract method applies the fixer method to a specific field in the document as defined by the key_path.
doc (Document): The document to be standardized.
key_path (List[str]): The path to the field within the document that should be standardized.
Document: The document with the standardized field.
KeyError: If any of the keys in key_path are not found in the document.
class USStateStandardizer(Standardizer):
A standardizer for transforming US state abbreviations in text to their full state names.
Transforms substrings matching a state abbreviation to the full state name.
.. code-block:: python
source_docset = ... # Define a source node or component that provides hierarchical documents.
transformed_docset =
lambda doc: USStateStandardizer.standardize(
key_path = ["path","to","location"]))
state_abbreviations = {
"AK": "Alaska",
"AL": "Alabama",
"AR": "Arkansas",
"AZ": "Arizona",
"CA": "California",
"CO": "Colorado",
"CT": "Connecticut",
"DC": "District of Columbia",
"DE": "Delaware",
"FL": "Florida",
"GA": "Georgia",
"HI": "Hawaii",
"IA": "Iowa",
"ID": "Idaho",
"IL": "Illinois",
"IN": "Indiana",
"KS": "Kansas",
"KY": "Kentucky",
"LA": "Louisiana",
"MA": "Massachusetts",
"MD": "Maryland",
"ME": "Maine",
"MI": "Michigan",
"MN": "Minnesota",
"MO": "Missouri",
"MS": "Mississippi",
"MT": "Montana",
"NC": "North Carolina",
"ND": "North Dakota",
"NE": "Nebraska",
"NH": "New Hampshire",
"NJ": "New Jersey",
"NM": "New Mexico",
"NV": "Nevada",
"NY": "New York",
"OH": "Ohio",
"OK": "Oklahoma",
"OR": "Oregon",
"PA": "Pennsylvania",
"RI": "Rhode Island",
"SC": "South Carolina",
"SD": "South Dakota",
"TN": "Tennessee",
"TX": "Texas",
"UT": "Utah",
"VA": "Virginia",
"VT": "Vermont",
"WA": "Washington",
"WI": "Wisconsin",
"WV": "West Virginia",
"WY": "Wyoming",
def fixer(text: str) -> str:
Replaces any US state abbreviations in the text with their full state names.
text (str): The text containing US state abbreviations.
str: The text with state abbreviations replaced by full state names.
def replacer(match):
abbreviation =
return USStateStandardizer.state_abbreviations.get(abbreviation, abbreviation)
return re.sub(r"\b[A-Z]{2}\b", replacer, text)
def standardize(doc: Document, key_path: List[str]) -> Document:
Applies the fixer method to a specific field in the document as defined by the key_path.
doc (Document): The document to be standardized.
key_path (List[str]): The path to the field within the document that should be standardized.
Document: The document with the standardized field.
KeyError: If any of the keys in key_path are not found in the document.
current = doc
for key in key_path[:-1]:
if current.get(key, None):
current = current[key]
raise KeyError(f"Key {key} not found in the dictionary among {current.keys()}")
target_key = key_path[-1]
if current.get(target_key, None):
current[target_key] = USStateStandardizer.fixer(current[target_key])
raise KeyError(f"Key {target_key} not found in the dictionary among {current.keys()}")
return doc
class DateTimeStandardizer(Standardizer):
A standardizer for transforming date and time strings into a consistent format.
.. code-block:: python
source_docset = ... # Define a source node or component that provides hierarchical documents.
transformed_docset =
lambda doc: USStateStandardizer.standardize(
key_path = ["path","to","datetime"]))
DEFAULT_FORMAT = "%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S%Z"
# Regexes for military time stuff below. Example matching strings:
# clock: 8:00 12:30 23:59:59
# year: 1970-04-30 1999-12 12/5/2024 12/2000 4/30/70
# digitpair: 0800 235959
clock_re = re.compile(r"\d:[0-5]\d")
year_re = re.compile(r"([12]\d\d\d-)|(/[12]\d\d\d)|(\d/[0-3]?\d/\d)")
digitpair_re = re.compile(r"([0-2]\d)([0-5]\d)(\d\d)?")
def fixer(raw_dateTime: str) -> datetime:
Standardize a date-time string by parsing it into a datetime object.
raw_dateTime (str): The raw date-time string to be standardized.
format: Optional[str]: strftime-compatible format string to render the datetime.
Tuple[str, date]: A tuple containing the standardized date-time string and the corresponding
datetime object.
ValueError: If the input string cannot be parsed into a valid date-time.
RuntimeError: For any other unexpected errors during the processing.
assert raw_dateTime is not None, "raw_dateTime is None"
raw_dateTime = DateTimeStandardizer.fix_military(raw_dateTime)
raw_dateTime = raw_dateTime.replace("Local", "")
raw_dateTime = raw_dateTime.replace("local", "")
raw_dateTime = raw_dateTime.replace(".", ":")
parsed = dateparser.parse(raw_dateTime)
if not parsed:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid date format: {raw_dateTime}")
return parsed
except ValueError as e:
# Handle errors related to value parsing
raise ValueError(f"Invalid date format: {raw_dateTime}") from e
except Exception as e:
# Handle any other exceptions
raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected error occurred while processing: {raw_dateTime}") from e
def fix_military(raw: str) -> str:
# Fix up military clock time with just digits (0800)
raw = raw.strip()
tokens = raw.split()
saw_clock = 0
saw_year = 0
saw_digits = 0
for token in tokens:
saw_clock += 1
saw_year += 1
elif DateTimeStandardizer.digitpair_re.fullmatch(token):
saw_digits += 1
# If unsure there's exactly one military clock time, bail out.
# Note that numbers like 2024 could be times or years.
if (saw_clock > 0) or (saw_year == 0) or (saw_digits != 1):
return raw
pieces: list[str] = []
for token in tokens:
if match := DateTimeStandardizer.digitpair_re.fullmatch(token):
clock = ":".join([x for x in match.groups() if x])
before = token[: match.start(0)]
after = token[match.end(0) :]
token = before + clock + after
return " ".join(pieces)
def standardize(
doc: Document,
key_path: List[str],
add_day: bool = True,
add_dateTime: bool = True,
date_format: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Document:
Applies the fixer method to a specific date-time field in the document as defined by the key_path.
doc (Document): The document to be standardized.
key_path (List[str]): The path to the date-time field within the document that should be
add_day (bool): Whether to add a "day" field to the document with the date extracted from the
standardized date-time field. Will not overwrite an existing "day" field.
add_dateTime (bool): Whether to add a "dateTime" field to the document with the standardized
standardized date-time field. Will not overwrite an existing "dateTime" field.
date_format (Optional[str]): strftime-compatible format string to render the datetime.
Document: The document with the standardized date-time field and an additional "day" field.
KeyError: If any of the keys in key_path are not found in the document.
current = doc
for key in key_path[:-1]:
if key in current.keys():
current = current[key]
raise KeyError(f"Key {key} not found in the dictionary among {current.keys()}")
target_key = key_path[-1]
if target_key not in current.keys():
raise KeyError(f"Key {target_key} not found in the dictionary among {current.keys()}")
if current[target_key] is None:
raise KeyError(f"Key {target_key} has value None")
parsed = DateTimeStandardizer.fixer(current[target_key])
rendered = parsed.strftime(date_format or DateTimeStandardizer.DEFAULT_FORMAT)
current[target_key] = rendered
if add_dateTime and "dateTime" not in current.keys():
current["dateTime"] = parsed
if add_day and "day" not in current.keys():
current["day"] =
return doc
class StandardizeProperty(Map):
A class for applying a standardizer to a specific property of documents in a dataset.
This class allows for the execution of standardization logic, either for location or date-time
properties, across a set of documents by utilizing a specified standardizer and path.
def __init__(
child: Node,
standardizer: Standardizer,
path: list[str],
super().__init__(child, f=standardizer.standardize, args=path, kwargs=kwargs)
def ignore_errors(doc: Document, standardizer: Standardizer, key_path: list[str]) -> Document:
A class for applying the behavior of a standardizer to log errors and continue when encountering null values.
This class allows for the execution of standardization logic not to fail when encountering null key:value pairs.
It will instead log a warning stating what key:value pairs in what documents were missing.
.. code-block:: python doc: ignore_errors(doc, DateTimeStandardizer, ["properties", "entity", "dateAndTime"])
doc = standardizer.standardize(doc, key_path=key_path)
except KeyError:
logger.warning(f"Key {key_path} not found in document: {doc}")
except Exception as e:
return doc